Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ultimate Cell Group


Chaplain Albert started an I am Second group in one of the pods (dorm rooms) at the Dawson State Jail in downtown Dallas. Last week we joined the group as he presented certificates to about 25 inmates who has completed the first 10 sessions. With tears in his eyes and a crack in his voice, one young guy shared “finally I have something my kids can be proud of their dad for.”

Prison Missionaries? Now some of them are ready to start their own I am Second groups as they are moved to other pods, and some to other prisons around Texas. Pray for God to “grow them in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man.” (Luke 2:52)
My favorite picture is above, taken as they prayed for one of the guys that had just had a year added to his sentence.

Click here to see some other pix.