Pr-Air Force--
Thanks for praying for our trip to Nairobi. Things went very smoothly. Thought you'd enjoy an email Mike Congrove sent out to his prayer list. He did a good job of capturing our day today.
Tomorrow we fly to Rwanda. Please keep praying for us.
Blessings. Mike Jorgensen
From: mike congrove
Sent: Tue 06/12/2005 08:30
To: Mike Jorgensen
Subject: I've got 3 goats
The Goat Story
"I've got three goats."
This was the reply of a Masai pastor here in Kenya when GMF's Kenyan national leader, Joe Michael Kamau, asked him what he had in terms of resources to plant a new church. Joe Michael was talking with the pastor about planting a new church among the Masai people in a rural area of Kenya.
Joe Michael asked him about the preparation he had done for a church-planting campaign. The Masai pastor replied that he had people from his church who were willing to do the evangelism and follow-up discipleship, and he had a man who could pastor the new work, but he was concerned that he didn't have the resources to host the 16 people Joe Michael was bringing from Nairobi to help conduct the church-planting campaign.
The pastor asked Joe Michael how much money he would contribute the campaign to cover the costs for hosting and feeding the workers. Joe Michael returned the question back to him, "What resources do you have for this campaign?"
That's when the Masai pastor told him he had three goats. Joe Michael told him to focus on what the Lord had given him, not what he lacked. Later as the time for the campaign approached, Joe Michael and the Masai pastor spoke again. The pastor had secured two more goats, totally five for this campaign. He sold two, using those funds to buy wheat to make bread. He found a place for the workers to sleep, and he slaughtered two more goats for meat for the campaigners to eat. He used a plot of land he owned to start the new church on, and on their final campaign meeting day, he slaughtered the fifth goat for a celebratory feast for the workers and the new believers.
Hallelujonga indeed.
I heard this story at lunch today with Joe Michael. There are 65 people attending that "goat church" today. Amazing what happens when we use what the Lord has given us rather than focusing on what we desire.
By you being a part of GMF, you're a part of amazing works like this. "Go; behold, I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.
Carry no money belt, no bag, no shoes;"-- Jesus (Luke 10:3-4)
The Office
We met with a dapper Kenyan attorney today in a quiet office, tucked away from the center of busy Nairobi under large trees and surrounded by blooming hibiscuses. The attorney is guiding GMF through the process of registering as a foreign registered company in Kenya.
Apparently Kenyan intelligence has to check out us thoroughly before granting the registration. Then Joe Michael can get the office up and rolling and begin to receive shipments of Evangecubes for distribution throughout the country. The investigators vet these applications for groups using the registration as fronts to funnel money and goods into the country illegally.
Please pray for the registration to go smoothly and quickly. This will jumpstart the next level of work for GMF here in Kenya.Joe Michael is an impressive figure. I'm glad he's a part of GMF. He appears to be an impassioned man for planting churches, evangelism, and expanding the Lord's kingdom in Kenya and East Africa in general.
After lunch we met with the organization that is translating our church-planting training material into Swahili. I thought their approach to translating a document was impressive.
First, they have three linguists translate the document individually. Then those three compare, contrast and argue until they're satisfied the document is translated properly.
Pray the Lord will use this training tool in a powerful, multiplicative way in Kenya for years to come.
God bless, next message will be from Kigali, Rwanda.
Mike C
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