Friday, October 19, 2007

Bolivian Missionaries in Bolivia

Thanks to everyone who gave so our good friends in Bolivia could go on their mission trip to Riberalta, in the north of Bolivia. 20 Bolivians made the trip, as you can see from Enzo’s report below. It always gives us great joy to see the passion they have in Bolivia for reaching their country! Praise God with us as you watch this short online slide show—


From: Enzo G. Saavedra
To: Mike Jorgensen
Subject: Trip to Rberalta

Good afternoon Mike,

This are som information from the trip to Riberalata, I will be sending pictures later. if you need some specific information just call us.

7 Mother Churches
7 New points
20 Nacional volunteers
108 Local workers
59 Cubes distributed
1,602 Gospel presentations
1,146 Professions of Faith
793 Discipleships

There were 14 persons that went form Santa Cruz and 6 from Trinidad.

God was good on this mission trip taking care of everyone and giving good fruits.


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