Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Answered Prayer

God is answering your prayers, Prayer Team.

Earlier I wrote about Philip/Lettie/Andrew/Woodlyn`s area, and how they had no workers and no place to meet. God changed all that yesterday. Six students from a local seminary came to help. Plus, the leader took them to a different neighborhood. Not only are the people much more receptive there, but they also have a nice home to meet in! A local believer volunteered her house for the new group. Picture below is new ¨LifeGroup¨in neighborhood after one day´s work in the new area. People are hungry for hope here!

Prayer changes things, and it is not limited by time or distance. You are making a difference in Bolivia as you lift our needs to our loving Lord.

God has blessed our meetings with our Bolivian church planting coaches. They are from all over Bolivia, from the jungles of the northeast to the Andes of the southwest. To see each other, they would have to travel hours and hours and hours. Many of them have mentioned how they now feel like they are part of a family, and not so alone as they did before.

As God has directed our agenda, yesterday we talked about other denominations and ministries we can partner with here. It was amazing to hear the positions they hold in those types of organizations. One of our coaches has two earned doctorates, and is the leader of several provinces of his denomination. Another is the director of a Bible institute. Another leads the Bolivian work of a ministry that distributes audio New Testaments. Another is a leader of a group of 150 pastors. They are seeing more clearly how we want to partner with others, not just build our own organization.

Today we challenged them to ask God how many churches in their respective networks might want to be trained with our methods and materials. We also challenged them to raise up others to be church planting coaches within those networks.

Please ask God to enable these dear coaches to hear His plans clearly as we finish our meetings tomorrow.

And as before, please beseech the Lord of the Harvest to raise up disciple makers for every new believer. What they do next week is more important than what we are doing this week for the long term health of these new groups, which hopefully will grow into churches in the coming months.

Thanks for praying.

mike j for team bolivia

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