Friday, July 04, 2008

Baby Wait Update

Thanks so much for continuing to pray for our kids in Asia, and the delivery of our new granddaughter. We leave our house at 4 am Saturday to go spend time with them, and little Ella still has not arrived! Our daughter, A, has been having contractions for over a week and a half. She and L, our son-in-law, have been staying at a hotel in the hospital city, since they live 2.5 hours by train away from their hospital. So keep praying!

My mom must have the inside scoop on this baby communication stuff. Here’s what Great Grandmother Jane wrote to A and L. I guess she must have interviewed Ella in utero via skype or something. All in the midst of all the flooding that has taken place in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where my parents live.

Now, for the really exciting news! At present our little Elizabeth Grace (Ella) has decided to kick back and rest up for her journey into our world. Wondering why? Here are some reasons why we think she is waiting (no particular order of importance):

1. She's content in her present environment to lay back and gain some weight. She's part Danish you know and is attracted by weight gain.

2. She's waiting for her Gramma and Granddad to get there because she's heard they are special people in her life.

3. She's heard baby showers are fun and she'd like to witness at least one first hand that's put on in her honor. [They missed a shower because they left for the hospital city early. They will probably have it after Ella is born and they return home.]

4. She's all snuggled in where she is and wondering if that arm cradling and rock-a-bying are really all they're cracked up to be.

5. She's not all that excited about having to wear clothes. 6. She's practicing her gymnastics getting ready for the Olympics.

7. She really would like to help cook but she's afraid she might have to help with the dishes.

8. Her Mom is walking all over so she is being gently rocked in her special hammock most of the day. What could be better than that?

And last but not least:

9. She'd really like to go to Iowa but she hears it’s just too wet at present.

As you can imagine, we can hardly wait to give a big hug to all 3 of them!


Mike Jorgensen

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