As I mentioned in the first two parts of this series, Jon’s article has challenged us on how I am Second can help youth keep living like Jesus after they leave home. Here is Jon’s third point, with some thoughts about how to use I am Second to meet this need.
3. Their parents lived the Gospel at home. Here is Jon’s challenge for parents:
“This is not a formula! Kids from wonderful gospel-centered homes leave the church; people from messed-up family backgrounds find eternal life in Jesus and have beautiful marriages and families. But it’s also not a crap-shoot. In general, children who are led in their faith during their growing-up years by parents who love Jesus vibrantly, serve their church actively, and saturate their home with the gospel completely, grow up to love Jesus and the church.”
Jesus said “if you love me, you will obey my commands.” Unfortunately, too many times we focus on feeding people more knowledge, rather than obeying what they have learned. Barna research discovered that only about 5% of US church goers said their church holds them accountable for integrating biblical beliefs and values into their life.
As someone once said, “we have been educated beyond our obedience.”
I am Second group materials are obedience based, not just knowledge-focused. At the end of each session, people are challenged to commit to what they are going to do to obey what they just learned. And who they are going to tell. Then report back to the group at the next meeting.
Families can go use I am Second materials together. As they do, they all will be challenged to obey what Jesus taught. Parents will model to their kids the challenges, and the joys, of loving Jesus by obeying what He taught.
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Click here to read Part 1 of this series. Here to read Part 2.
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