Saturday, June 07, 2008

Team Arrives in Sucre

Team Bolivia arrived safely and joyfully in Sucre—North American team, translators and Bolivian church planting coaches. More transportation strikes here, so please continue to pray.

Met with the pastors and leaders of the churches hosting our teams. They have 5 neighborhoods and villages where we will be working side-by-side with their church members.

We have several goals this week. One is to help these churches as they form LifeGroup-style home Bible studies in these 5 neighborhoods. Our prayer is that they grow into new churches within a year or two.

But an even more far-reaching goals is to provide more “on-the-job training” for our Bolivian church planting coaches. We hope they head home at the end of the week here saying “this is simple—we can do this with our own people—we don’t have to wait for the next North American team to come.” Please pray for that impact.

Please also pray for us as we acclimate to the 9,100 ft altitude here in the Andes.

Thanks for praying.

Mike Jorgensen for Team Bolivia

PS One of the mottos of our home church (Chase Oaks Church) seems especially appropriate here--see Tshirt below--

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lorenzo says "!Olla! from Texas. I miss all of you and the opportunity to meet all the new workers, both Nationals and gringos from the US.

Most of all, I miss the opportunity to see God at work! And to hear or experience some of God's miracles as we saw last year when two team members prayed that the rain and the windstorm would cease. And to see entire villages gathered together to hear about Jesus. And to see the gringos almost get beat by women soccer players! And to hear the personal testomonies each morning that would bring tears to many eyes. And to feel deep inside the joy only the Holy Spirit can give each person -- worker, new Christian or believer. Or to hear how a hotel worker accepted Christ because of the witness of someone who did not speak their language but through the work of a translator they were born again. Or to see the joyful faces of those who just got their first new glasses.

You are loved and missed, each of you. And you get to see and participate in God at work.

!Dios En Bendiga!
