Sunday, June 08, 2008

Trouble on Tuesday?

Sunday: most teams started day worshipping with their host churches, then headed to new work areas in afternoon. Beautiful day in this beautiful place.

Biggest obstacle so far came last night for a few of us who walked 2 blocks from the hotel to get some dinner. They were having what looked like their equivalent of the Macy’s New Year’s Parade! It was wall to wall people. People were so packed into the narrow colonial streets that there was no distance between the paraders and the spectators. Everyone was belly button to belly button. Only difference was that the paraders were moving and the spectators were standing, or at least dancing in place.

This morning I had the joy of going with two of our teams to their host church (Mary/Joyce/Geanie team and Scott/Sherry team). Scott challenged the members to work with us this week, and Sherry sang “Amazing love, how can it be, that You my King would die for me?” For some reason it brought tears to my eyes hearing that song sung so sweetly in this place.

So picture joyful teams in a beautiful place on a perfect weather day . . . but then imagine a dark thundercloud of caution drifting over the horizon.

As the service ended, a missionary came up and whispered to me “be careful on Tuesday. Be very careful on Tuesday.”

She went on to explain that more transportation strikes and blockades are being threatened for Tuesday. “Don’t ignore them,” she cautioned.

“Are they between cities, or in Sucre?” I asked.

“No one knows. Just don’t ignore them.”

I assured her we would be very, very careful, as we do with all our precious teams.

Please pray that everything will remain as tranquil as it now looks to us. Pray that the hand of the Almighty will continue to envelope us with protection and peace.

Please pray 1 Timothy 2:1-4 for our team—

--That God will direct the decisions of leaders here in a way that enables people to live quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and reverence, and

--For many to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

Thanks, Prayer Team.

Mike Jorgensen for Team Bolivia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I will continue to pray for the team throughout the week. There is spiritual warfare and obstacle, but you are God's warriors spreading his peace. Give an abrazo to Enzo.
Scott W.