Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bolivia Tears

Andrew was the youngest member of our Bolivia team at 16. His team had a tough start to the campaign. For the first couple days they didn’t have a place to meet, or any workers to go with them.

Then things turned around as God answered prayers. Several workers from a local seminary showed up to help. Local believers in a nearby neighborhood offered their home for the evening meetings.

I visited the second night they had the meeting place. The small room was full of new Quechua believers singing Quechua praise songs. As my eyes swept the room, I noticed Andrew standing up against the back wall. His face was grim so I worried that he was sick or something.

Then I noticed a tear roll down his cheek. “You OK?” I asked. He nodded yes, but his words choked in his throat. With a bit of time, he was able to speak. “For this one hour, they look so happy,” Andrew whispered, “even though they are so poor.”

Andrew was experiencing the joy of seeing God use his life to touch others. The kind of experience that can change the direction of a person’s life.

As you prayed, God touched many lives—

• 696 professions of faith
• 116% follow-up of the people we talked to in the neighborhoods
• 139 Bolivian believers catapulted into ministry, so on average each US team member was the catalyst for 9 Bolivians to be involved in ministry
• 4 new churches started, 1 young church strengthened, and 2 mother churches strengthened

If you’d like to see the faces of some of those touched, including the evening meeting that brought tears to Andrew’s eyes, click on this picture to see a short online slideshow.

Thanks for being a big part of our Bolivia team as you prayed for us!


Mike Jorgensen

1 comment:

Veronica said...

Thanks for this amazing update! It really encouraged and "fired me up"... I received E3's prayer updates and found links to your blog. I'm happy to link you off of my little blog.
Praise God for building & fortifying His church in Bolivia, and in America. (Andrew)
Thank you for persevering and serving the Lord.
Blessings, Veronica